5 ways to generate more inbound leads
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Callspree Blog
Over the past 10 years, inbound marketing has proven to be a great way to generate leads and increase customer purchases to help you hit your target sales quota.
Inbound marketing is a data-based, holistic approach, that leverages content on your website to attract buyers researching their products and services online. And then convert them into potential customers so you can convert more deals.
In this article, we list the top 5 ways in which you can generate more inbound leads.
1. Build a high-quality blog
Are you writing blogs yet? If not, it’s 2020, you should be by now. Begin by writing about what your expertise is.
It could be sales process optimization, referral marketing, or your product/service – but whatever you do, start writing, and share it on the blog of your company, your personal social media channels, and customers.
In 2020, it is important that you are a visible expert in your field. Not only will you show your in-depth knowledge within your genre, but also educate your potential customers who are seeking information in the related industry. Need some help for your first post? Reach out to a content editor/writer or a resident marketer for a quick lesson or maybe ask them to write an article or two.
2. Grow your email list
Several surveys reveal that your email marketing database is degraded by about 22.5% annually.
Email addresses of your contacts change as they move from one company to another, unsubscribe for communication by email, or leave that old AOL address only used to fill in forms on websites.
As a marketer, it’s your job to make sure you are constantly adding new contacts to your email marketing campaigns so that you can keep your numbers going up in the right direction. After all who wants to send mails to dead or inactive email addresses.
3. Start a podcast
Podcasting is a powerful lead generation tool. A podcast can serve as an entry point accessible to potential customers to begin to relate to your brand. It is then all about taking the right steps to move along the path of buyer – becoming listeners, leads and prospects into customers.
During episodes of the podcast, listeners get regularly directed to the free guides page – that can be downloaded by filling out a short form with your name and email address. When the form is completed, that listener becomes an advantage. Then use email marketing to encourage potential customers to buy one of their complete training programs.
4. Upload Videos on YouTube
There are plenty of reasons why you should use YouTube to grow your business. The first is that the videos on this platform are search engine friendly. They not only rank well in Google search for videos but also appear in the YouTube search engine itself.
The last big benefit? YouTube videos are highly shareable, much more than Facebook posts or tweets. You can share a single video from YouTube to every social media platform, if desired, and not feel out of place.
5. Answer questions on Quora
Quora is a question based social networking site that has millions of people of different demographics post questions and responses daily. If you answer enough user’s questions, your profile might get noticeable and the users will most likely check your website out.