How Call tracking Helps you Nature leads

How Call Tracking Helps You Nurture Leads​

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Callspree Blog


Sep 23, 2020

Generating leads is a priority for most businesses but have you thought of how you are going to nurture these leads until they are ready to make a purchase from you? That is exactly what we are going to cover in this blog.

Here’s what you’ll learn in the article

  • What is lead nurturing?
  • Why lead nurturing is important?
  • How to win at lead nurturing?
So let’s get started.

What is lead nurturing?

Lead nurturing is the process of purposefully and effectively engaging your target audience through content marketing and social media by offering relevant and valuable information. Lead nurturing is the foundation of every marketing plan and must be designed to support your customers through every stage of the buying journey and the sales funnel. lead nurturing involves building a relationship of trust by listening to the needs of your prospects and offering them reliable and valuable information when they need it.

Why is lead nurturing important?

According to research conducted by Marketo, 50% of all your leads are not ready to make a purchase. When looking at this number, it’s easy to wonder why should you even bother with lead nurturing and you may only want to focus on those leads already halfway through the buying process. Is that the right thing to do? No. Here is a good reason to invest in lead nurturing. With an effective lead nurturing plan, companies can see a 50% increase in sales-ready leads at a 33% lower cost. If you are looking to see these numbers fall into your marketing strategy then lead nurturing is your way forward. Additionally, HubSpot’s study found that response rates decline as the age of a lead increases and found that 35-50% of sales go to the vendor that responds first to an inquiry. What does this mean to you? If you have a good response strategy in place, you could get that sale. 66% of buyers said that “consistent and relevant communication is a top influencing factor when choosing a solution provider. And the only way that can happen is through lead nurturing. Lead nurturing helps businesses
  • Effectively communicate with customers
  • Build trusted relations through thought leadership
  • Maintain consistent communication.
  • Identify interest and pain points
  • Find upselling or cross-selling opportunities
  • Encourage referrals that lead to new customers

How to effectively nature your leads

Now that you have understood why it is important to nurture your leads, let us look at a few ways you can effectively nurture them. If you are wondering where to start when it comes to lead nurturing, start from your website. Optimizing the customer or lead journeys that happen on your website is pivotal in the nurturing stage to drive conversions. And how do you nurture these leads on your website? We’re going to discuss that in the points below.

Create compelling content

When creating your website content, ensure that you’re not just including fluff or pretty content. You have to make sure your content is addressing your leads issues, creating interest and curiosity in your brand, product, or service, and giving them solutions. When optimizing your website, start with,
  • Optimizing your product page to make sure the solution you’re offering is clear
  • Include bots and live chats to make communication fast and easy
  • And most importantly make it easy and simple for your leads to contact you, or schedule a demo
This brings us to our next point – call tracking. Phone calls are pivotal in the lead generation and lead nurturing. Before we get started with how call tracking can help, it’ important to understand where phone calls fit in your lead nurturing strategy. Ideally, phone calls should come into place once your lead is familiar with your brand through your content and is ready to speak to your sales team. Incorporating a call widget like Callspree into your website will allow you to ace the lead-nurturing game buy ensuring inbound calls. This means you can install a call widget that will help leads or prospects contact you when they are ready. Additionally, you can reduce response time as the widget will automatically schedule calls with your sales team and your lead, allowing you to speak to your prospects when they are at their highest intent of buying. A call widget will make it easy for you to track your call, listen in to your calls and understand your customer better, therefore making it easier for you to successfully take your prospects through the lead nurturing process and all the way up to the conversion stage. Now if you are using a multi-touch lead nurturing strategy which includes social media, emails, search engines, ad campaigns, and paid searches, adding a phone number is important. Without call tracking, you won’t know exactly which marketing effort leads a prospect to reach out and convert. Call tracking can help you understand which channels and keywords bring you your most valuable customers and enhance the performance and result of your lead nurturing strategy. Call tracking works to provide your sales manager with the right data for call analytics. With call tracking, you can find the lead source and understand which marketing channels are working effectively for your lead gen or lead nurturing strategy Need help with lead generation, lead nurturing, or call tracking, We can help. Visit our website at to learn how we can help you close more deals and increase conversions.
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